Judging people is easy. How often during a day do we all hear other people judging other people, ourselves judging other people and us judging ourselves. Happens all day every day. “Why did

One of the words you hear small children repeat over and over again is the word, “Why” “Please go and brush your teeth” “Why?” “Daddy, why is that dog brown?” ‘It just is’

Many people believe that the New Year is the best time to make resolutions. However, here at miworld, we do things differently and we find that rounding off the year in mid December

In business, especially the service industries in which I work, we tend to exchange our knowledge, talent, skills and experience for our most wanted popular resource; money. The tradition of exchange began long

I used to watch in awe as Jodie, my son’s hamster, jumped onto her wheel and ran and ran and ran, putting her heart and soul into going no-where. There were times when

Long time readers of miview will know that I love getting away for a wee break. And this autumn weekend I was delighted to be driving up to St Andrews in Fife to

It’s a lovely sunny March afternoon, you’re sitting having lunch beside the River Thames hoping for a glimpse of a boat or two. And not any old boat, but one from Oxford or

Maybe you’ve heard the story of John Chapman, most often depicted as a nomadic character wandering about North America, dropping apple seeds everywhere he went. John Chapman became known as Johnny Appleseed, but

At around six years old I remember the sunshine beaming onto my face as I watched the girl on the pony being led round the paddock. We were at the children’s farm at

Today we’re going to talk about clarity . I’m honoured that clarity is the word I most hear when clients give me feedback on our work together. I love it when clients tell