5 Easy Steps to Getting Things Done - miworld

5 Easy Steps to Getting Things Done

When the discussions turn to getting stuff done, don’t you hear the same excuses arise time and time again that revolve around the issue of time, or rather lack of it.

If I had more time I would more done, or if I had better time management I would get more done – yes?

I disagree with this statement? Why?

Because time has been managing itself perfectly well since long before a human being stepped onto this planet. So rather than trying to manage time, how about we manage ourselves within the context of time? We all have the same 168 hours in the week, the same as Richard Branson, the same as The Queen and the same as Beyonce. It’s what we do in that 168hours makes us who we are.

So the purpose of managing our time better is to get better results and here are my top 5 steps to getting things done

1. Make a plan. Once you are clear on what you want, list the tasks you need to do to get you there, put them into order (doing the most challenging first) and write them down. When you know where you are going, it makes your decisions simple. Say yes to the things that take you towards your goals and say no those that are talking you away from them.

2. Stay focussed until it’s complete. Distractions can be so enticing and are so much more so when you do not have a clear picture of your ideal outcome.

3. Understand your talents. How many times have you struggled over something you are not very good at? The sooner we realise that working on our own isn’t good for us the better. Get the tasks you are not good at outsourced as soon as possible, find and work with the best people who will challenge support and free you.

4. Add a deadline. Accept that it will never be perfect. Perfection is a strategy that will keep you stuck. Excellence is achievable and when you are excellent in what you do your clients will love you.

5. Be prepared before you start. Get everything you need together before you start. This may seem obvious but often it really does save a lot of time because you can work straight to completion avoiding interruptions when you have to go and find the missing pieces.

Being thoroughly organised (and therefore prepared) makes the business building actions you need to take almost effortless, resulting in a massive boost in your ability to produce the results that will ‘wow’ your clients!

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