8 Proven Steps to Business Success

Rainbow 2

What is success?

Where do we go to find success?

How do we make our business a successful one?

It often seems like we are seeking a magic path, a Yellow Brick Road, just like Dorothy and her cohorts in the Wizard of Oz; each looking for something that means success in life to them, a heart, a brain, courage, or simply the way home.

But Dorothy’s magical journey was a fairytale from many years ago and we know that when she got to the end of the road, it wasn’t what she had hoped for. In fact the ‘magic’ she had journeyed towards fell way short; being all smoke and mirrors and a big voice from behind a curtain telling people what they wanted to hear.

What got Dorothy home was something she’s had all along, before she’d even taken a single step.

In business we don’t need to look for magic, there are people sharing what works for them all the time. And here’s the key, people share what worked for them, but will it work for you?

There are all kinds of people selling all kinds of things, business development, marketing, sales, personal growth and they all make amazing promises to be the one thing that will give you the success you want in business and in life.

Maybe though, just like Dorothy, you have all you need already to take you where you want to go, you just need to see it with different eyes, from a fresh perspective, with some expert insight.

I’m going to pretend to be your friend Glinda for a minute and share what I know works for me, what has worked for clients and just could for you too. Maybe you’ll see you have what you need to gain success, which you had it all along.

1.Start Right Now

I don’t want to count how many conversations I’ve had around, “getting started” and all reasons why we can’t start right now. This has to happen first, I have to be more qualified, better positioned, older, younger, have more money and on and on and on. There’s always an excuse for not starting.

This is frustrating, limiting and disempowering. “Success is the progressive realisation of a worthy goal” said Earl Nightingale. To me, that means set your goal and start your journey. Set a goal and you’re already ahead of 96% of the population.

2.Do One Thing at a Time

The key here is focus. I live by the quote, “The man who chases two rabbits catches none”. Every time I think on this quote, I see this poor man running to and fro, losing any momentum in one chase as he changes direction to run down another rabbit, getting more and more exhausted and ending up with nothing.

Many of us, including me, are or have been that man. And it’s not just trying to multitask and trying to do two jobs at the one time. We are so easily distracted by the internet, our staff and our own thoughts. We find it difficult to stay focussed on the thing that needs to be done especially when we’re not that excited about it. Stick to what you start until it’s finished and you will save yourself lots of time, energy and frustration.

3.Surround Yourself With Those on the same Mission as you

The value of life is our connections and the experiences we share with them. We long for community at work and in our personal lives and we benefit hugely from having people around us.  However, what we have to consider is who should be around us?  Richard Branson gets people smarter that himself to work for him because he learns from them and they improve his businesses. The key is to choose carefully. Seek out positive people who actively chase solutions, look for challenges and collaboration and work towards the right results. Choose your team wisely.

4.Learn the Powerful Skill of Delegation

There comes a point when your business is doing well and then it almost seems like it’s doing too well. The work starts piling up leaving you feeling overwhelmed, overloaded and long overdue a day off. Systems in your business ensure your clients have a consistent experience, allowing you to delegate some of the tasks and develop your people. This allows continual growth within your company and the sooner this is started, the easier it is to expand when things get busy.

5.Build Relationships

The most successful businesses are the ones where their leaders spend time developing their network. The staff might say, “He’s playing golf again?” but the real reason the boss is on the golf course is to build relationships with his sales team, contractors, vendors and clients. Networking in a social, pleasurable setting is a major way to bring in business. Never underestimate the power of good relationships in business. Get out there, be seen and be heard.

6.Transform Your Story

We are all in business because we are sharing our passion, be it Marketing, Cooking or Hairdressing. Our businesses started because we are passionate about what we do and love it so much we want to share it. The way we tell our story, our ‘why we started’ has a real impact on how we are seen in our worlds. I recently watched this video by Peter Sage that conveys this message perfectly http://bit.ly/1SiASx9

7.Help Others

In the words of Zig Zigglar, “You will get all you want in life, if you help enough people get what they want.” The model of business has changed and in the 21st century, businesses are measured by how much they contribute to society and they are quickly demonised if they fall short. Just look at Monsanto as a perfect example. This former Stock Market heavyweight is haemorrhaging money as people use social media to share its worst practices around the world. To succeed today, you must serve your clients well, care about the impact of what you do and deliver your service ethically and responsibly. James Hunter, in his book Servant Leadership wrote about leadership as service. As the leader, you must be the hub of your organisation, you must serve your people and develop them to succeed. In the words of Jesus, “To lead, you must serve”

8.Celebrate Success

In the good times, our passion brings us great fulfilment, joy and learning and at other times, frustration, pain and the wonder of why we started up in the first place. While on the journey, we must learn in the dark times and dance in the light times. Never forget to stop and smell the roses, smile and breath as you keep on searching for your rainbow, way inside.


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