“Alice:How long is forever?”

“White Rabbit:Sometimes, just one second.”

Lewis Caroll, Alice in Wonderland


“I don’t have the time for this”

“I didn’t have time to do that”

“Where did the day go?”

How many times in a day do we hear such sentiments expressed, as time seems to fly by. And as time flies by, more often than not, the right things just don’t get done.

I’m sure you’ve heard those words or similar times. And not only have I heard it from others; I’ve heard those exact words slip out of my own mouth.

I love the perspective John Adams gives this in his book, “Thinking Today as if Tomorrow Mattered”. He asserts that it’s not so much about ‘do we have time’ but more ‘do we have the courage’ to do what needs to be done.

My own thinking about this is that often, I do have the time but I don’t have the energy, or the motivation or enthusiasm to do what I need to get done.

And when I talk to business owners who do not have clear plans this results in poor quality thinking and decision making which impacts everything they want to do and achieve.

And then, in an effort to avoid taking responsibility, we blame something else, or someone else, because it just can’t be our fault, can it?

You’ve heard all the excuses too, haven’t you! The traffic was busy, the alarm didn’t go off, I got side-tracked by a phone call. The dog ate it!

We then end up thinking the big dilemma we have to deal with is ‘how do we get control of time?’

My belief is, we do not, we cannot. The world spins and time marches on, all without human help or interference, just as it has done for millenia

Therefore the challenge is not, how do we manage time, but instead it’s, how do we manage ourselves within the context of time.

How can we organise our thoughts to really focus on the key tasks we need to complete and how do we find the energy to keep going?

To do this well and get things done without excuses we need a strategy, a structure to build our day around. That’s what I do and it works!

Here’s what’s happening in miworld in January that will help you do likewise.

We deliberately planned a lot of events that help you with organising your thoughts and getting your focus clear as well as helping you manage your time.

The Big Wheel for ladies on 17th January –
”10/10 This helped me a lot, a vision with structure. This is exactly what I needed”
Ionella JCI
“10/10 braking it down changed the way I think about goals”
Olivia JCI

Goal Setting and Time Management Masterclass on 20th January
RocksnStuff masterclass
“I would recommend every and each business owner to book one of Jane’s masterclasses to regain clarity and confidence to move the business forward.”
Chiara Scipione (Italian food with style)

Ready, Steady, Record! on 27th January
Let’s get going with that video you know you want

Need a video? Workshop. More details coming real soon for our first workshop to help those who need a video but are struggling with how they look, feel and sound on camera – Working with Jane and Fiona to walk away with your first video and the confidence to do more!

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