Don’t Take It Personally - miworld

Don’t Take It Personally

Do you remember the excitement many years ago when you started your business? What you were going to do, how you were going to do it, your thoughts about growth and that better quality of life you promised yourself, you remember it all, don’t you?

You wanted to make it a success not only for yourself but also for your staff and your clients the passion inside you was your driver for success.

We all have the same desire and that is to be happy and everyone has a different definition of happiness. You can define that new happy life any way you want, a bigger house, more quality time with family, travel, financial freedom or simply define it as more stuff, more moneyand more adventure.

As you began your journey, you felt the excitement, the anticipation about what you were going to doand you noticed how good it felt to be you in that abundant world that surrounded you.

Then something changed, you can’t quite remember what exactly it was or the precise moment it happened, but something certainly shifted.

It’s not that you have lost the passion for what you are doing, or that your clients aren’t delighted with the results you are providing, but it’s not as fun, rewarding or satisfying as it was before. That dream you dared to chase just seems to move further away rather than racing towards you. You find yourself chasing it and it takes an effort that wasn’t there when you started out.

Something needs to happen but you are not quite sure what, and where do you start?

“You weren’t developing my business, you were developing me!”

Let’s start with you. Don’t you find when you learn something new in one area of your life, things start happening in other areas too. It’s the same with your business, as you learn and grow, so does your business. When you become stuck, you find a new way of approach so your business grows and so do you.

I heard a lovely story about a man walking down a street and he noticed a building site, curious, he asked the men what they were doing, “I am building a wall” said the first, “I’m building a cathedral” and the third proudly announced “We are building a community”

Three very different replies to the same question.

In your business, are you building a wall or a community? Are you a “joiner” or “the director of a joinery company” (or both!) and how do your actions need to shift when you move from one role to the other.

Personal development works on how you see yourself, your world and others in your world. It helps you grow, and by growing yourself, you see your business in a new light too and by changing your thinking, you can change your business, your staff engagement and your world. Build yourself and your build your business too.

Go on then, and let me know how it goes,

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