Have You Made That Big Scary Goal?

Porty photo

A friend called and said, “I’m doing the Porty Loony Douk” this year. For those of you outside of Edinburgh that translates to running into the sea naked on New Year’s Day at Portobello Beach

“When is it?” I asked and she replied, “1pm, 1st January, want to come and watch me?”

One of my most favourite things to do is a prom walk so I readily agreed to be there.

And then I watched the video from 2015, where I expected to see a few people inexplicably and possibly insanely dressed in swimsuits, immersing themselves under the freezing cold Scottish waters.

However, not everyone was quite that barmy and I saw a mixture of people braving varying degrees of the icy water; some of whom ran into the sea just as far as their knees and out again.

Now that I can do, I thought…..

I’m not one for sitting on the sidelines watching, and I like to do things with others. I called another friend who I could not persuade to join me but she did volunteer to take photographic evidence of my North Sea immersion and then I did what I could to prepare for my adventure.

On the day, I stripped off my joggers to reveal the shorts underneath, although I kept my scarf on for some attempt at warmth and sensibility!

I joined the other eager loonies on the cold wet sand and was ready to run.

The countdown began, ten, nine, eight…..go!


I had placed myself near the front of the crowd and was one of the first in the water, and yes it was cold but courage and the mob behind me kept me going. Deeper and deeper I waded out, past my ankles, close to my knees. Brrr, past my knees, and before I could stop my shorts were soaking wet. I’d gone much further than I had planned; it was now time to head for shore.

Was it cold? Yes!
Was it great fun? YES!
Will I do it again next year? YES!YES!YES!

Life is for living. Go do something silly, have fun, share it with friends and please don’t forget to share it with me too!!


Ps here’s a link to the video – look closely, I’m near the front.
Pps my friend said she did it and I saw her photos but I never saw her on the beach!!
Ppps What’s happening in miworld in September/October?
Visionworks on 14th September
Initial Visionsworks Masterclass on 22nd September
Visionworks on 12th October
The Big Wheel for ladies on 16th October
Initial Visionsworks Masterclass on 20th October

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