Smash Through That Fear That’s Holding You Back In 5 Simple Steps - miworld

Smash Through That Fear That’s Holding You Back In 5 Simple Steps

How often have you thought about doing something and decided to put it off until later, until tomorrow or next week or even forever?

You’d planned it perfectly, considered all the options and decided on what you were going to do, how you were going to do it, probably in your mind you saw yourself finished and reaping the benefits.

Time was set aside, but when the time came to take action, the whole thing stalled. The push to take action disappeared, nothing happened. Like many of us, you just failed to cross the line.

Imagine there is a line about four feet in front of you. You’ve thought about crossing it, planned it, felt how good it would be to cross it , saw how pleased you would be on the other side but then as you approach it something happens, or to be more precise, nothing happens!

Doubt creeps in, fear joins it. The ‘are you good enough?’ and ‘who do you think you are?’ gremlins move in with all their friends and before you know where you are you have a crowd in your head questioning your abilities. And you take a big step back into the safety of your comfort zone, choosing to spend just a bit more time getting ready.

It’s that ‘getting ready’ stage that is our danger zone, always one more thing to do until it’s perfect, one more thing to run through, one more edit.

Here’s the thing, all that preparation is never going to get you to cross that line.

What is going to get you across that line?

1. Know exactly WHAT you want

Having clarity on where you are headed in life keeps you focused on your outcome and then you develop your business to compliment your lifestyle.

2. Know WHY you want it

Your why is your fuel, your driver and it’s what keeps your motivation going when the times get tough.

3. Say No to distractions

Now you know what you want, it’s easy to say no to things that will pull you off track. Saying no is a strength, it is not an act of selfishness.

4. Say Yes to attractions

And easy to say yes to things that will take you there – and look out for additional help, the world makes way for the man or woman who knows where s/he is going and it’s amazing the people and help that show up on your journey.

5. Find good people to journey with

Can you do it alone? Of course you can, but it is much easier working with others. As one client said to me, “Would I have got here without Jane? Possibly, but it would have been a much harder, lonelier road and I wouldn’t have felt as positive for as long and discouraged for so short a time”

Looking past the line at all the great ways life will improve once you get over it, getting yourself ready to cross it by consistently taking action that moves you closer and finding the right people to check in with all lighten the load we carry on our journey.

And remember, to cross that line takes only one step and that could just be one to change your life forever.


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