What Story Would You Share? - miworld

What Story Would You Share?

People love a good story; its how we’ve connected as human beings for centuries.

Before television, radio and books, before papyrus or cave walls, tribes used to finish the day sitting in a circle round a campfire, sharing tales and music.

Stories spark emotions. They talked about their days adventures, They passed down traditions, cultures and beliefs through story, invoking fear, anger, hope and joy; their stories had all the elements of a great book or movie today. Story telling was a respected skill and tales of heroes, of man conquering the elements, climbing mountains, completing great journeys and taking down massive ferocious beasts were interwoven with elements of cultural beliefs that embedded them into the ongoing life of the tribe.

Community story telling is a form of both education, and entertainment, even enchantment; connecting the story teller with the listeners via the spoken word. The communal experience triggers emotions, associations and deeper learning.

This magical experience was enhanced with the discovery of fire, adding the atmospheric flickering orange flames, the smell of wood smoke and the comforting warmth that made the story tellers fire pit the perfect place to end the day.

A passionate storyteller brings to life an experience listeners can relate to and learn from, a far cry from today’s school classrooms.

My story is the reason I do what I do. I see my journey starting when I was part of a great team that had been together a long time. I was very confident in my role as team leader, training new starts, checking work done and running a small team of four.

I was happy and complacent but my world was shaken when I won a promotion. In a different area of the organisation where I didn’t know the work or the people, I was about to face the toughest time in my career to date.

That Monday morning, getting out of the lift at a different floor, meeting different people, people I only knew to say hello to. Wow, did I feel vulnerable!

To me, management is about getting results through others but I didn’t understand that back then. I didn’t know what to do in this new job and I didn’t know who to ask! I felt isolated, stupid and stressed.

As is usually the case, they were a great bunch of people and I learned so much from that experience. Often we have to go into the unknown, sometimes even into the darkness to discover our strengths and help us through tough times.

Now I help people grow as their business grows, so they can deal with today and get ready for tomorrow, so they don’t have to feel isolated and stressed in the darkness.

My story has had many challenges, triumphs and tragedies over the years, I just wanted to share the beginning here with you today to show you that you are never alone in what you’re going through, others are always around to help.

Miworld is how I help the business community and I love sharing the knowledge my years of experience have given me. Even more, I love when what I share changes someone’s business, changes their life in ways I can’t even imagine. I love that!

That’s why I say to you now,

‘Are you ready? Let’s go light a fire!’


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