Do you remember that day, some time ago when you had an idea, and you kept thinking about it, and it just got bigger and bigger until you had to do something with

I’ve had a couple of clients repeat the age old saying” its quicker to do it myself” this week and I totally understand why they think this is the case, it's what most

“Mum, do you know it is Saturday tomorrow?”   “Yes”   “Well why are you still working at midnight?” Good question and one for which I did not have, a fitting reply. Starting

Last time we looked at why we delegate (click here for a reminder)  and I promised you we would follow up with how to effectively delegate; so you start getting the most out of yourself

"The art of Delegation Introduction – Why delegate?" It’s often been heard, “I love what I do, I really know my stuff and I could do a better job if I had my

As the Christmas preparations are well underway, with trees up, lights on and wrapping paper at all the check outs, we recognise that the success of this big day (yes, all this for

Many of us have a conditional love for our parents: we get on with them, or not, at different times, on different levels for different reasons. I loved my Dad and he loved

Where do I begin? And Where am I going? Reminds me of the Talking Heads song Road to Nowhere, and sometimes we may feel like we’re living the lyrics of that song… I