On The Road To Nowhere - miworld

On The Road To Nowhere

Where do I begin? And Where am I going? Reminds me of the Talking Heads song Road to Nowhere, and sometimes we may feel like we’re living the lyrics of that song…

I often listen to people who are feeling like they are overwhelmed and underachieving, people who feel there is so much to do and so little time to do it, however when I dig a bit deeper, it’s often about

 “I don’t know where to start”

You arrive at work with great ideas and plans and often they soon go up in the air.

So how can we look at being more efficient in a way that moves everything along and nothing gets missed out?

If we look at my preferred purpose of a business, “To gain and retain clients profitably” we see there are only two areas to focus on

  • How do we get clients?
  • How do we keep clients?

“Plan for tomorrow today?”

Our Marketing heads are excited about bringing in more business and our Operations people are struggling to cope and our clients, well they just aren’t getting the service we set out to provide. With the juggling of different yet interlinking priorities, it’s easy to lose focus on the big picture. And the finances fall out of the results!

Start to refocus by aligning daily actions with long term plans, then by focussing on what matters tomorrow, we can work today towards our aims for the future.

Please let me know how you get on!

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