Big in Business! That can only be good for you, right? - miworld

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Big in Business! That can only be good for you, right?

You’ve taken the time to start your own business. You fought your way past the doubters and naysayers; you spent all your time, money and energy in making your business work.

Well Done. So what’s next?

Why don’t you expand it? That’s the next step, right? To go Big, to grow bigger.

It’s like when you meet a boy or girl and start getting serious, people ask when you’ll get engaged, and when that happens, when are you planning on marrying, and once that’s done, when are the babies coming? People seem to always want you to rush to the next event.

Let’s just stop and think here because the next thing for you might not be to go big, but to stay big enough for you.

Your future success means the decision to grow or to maintain as is, needs careful consideration as to what’s the best outcome for you, your clients, your business and your peace of mind.

I believe there are just three key questions you must contemplate to reach your decision about whether expansion is the right thing for you and your business.

1. What do you want from life? What is your personal vision? Once you are really clear on that you can use your business to achieve it. Start by looking beyond the business at the rest of your life and what you want in it. Or else there is the possibility that the business becomes the whole of the life you lead. Few lie on their death bed wishing they had spent more time at work. Mostly, at the end of their days in this life people reflect and often regret how much time they missed doing things they loved to do with people they loved to be around.

2. Where are you now in relation to that? Whatever the lifestyle you uncovered in question 1, now look at how far away your day to day activities are from there. Are you incorporating some of what you love to do in your daily, weekly or monthly routines? See how much resistance is in your current lifestyle, how much time you spend on things that don’t fall into your personal vision, how much energy to expend on doing things you don’t like to do.

3. Why is it important that you achieve this? Your answer to why this is important to you is your driver, your motivation, your carrot and your stick. Your why is what will get out of bed with a passion to get to work and get things done. You’ll feel your why in your heart, it’s the reason you do what you do.

We sometimes look outwards when we’re not sure about the answers to our challenges. However, a question like “Should I expand my business?” needs careful thought and consideration from you alone, especially as you’re the one that would be responsible for the expansion.

When you have an idea of what you want from life and why you want it, you can answer a much simpler question:

“Will expanding my business take me closer to my own personal vision?”

If the answer is “yes” then work on growing your business because that is what will give you what you want.

If it’s “no”, don’t expand and keep working to improve your current practices to become the best you can be, appreciating the life you have created for yourself.

Both answers demand respect, as both have challenges to ensure your success in life and business.

Make sure you are answering the right questions, make life simple, make life matter and live it to satisfy your own dreams, not someone else’s.

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