But I’m The Boss of Everything!


Yes, you are. Crikey, yes, you are the boss…of everything! Let that sink in a minute. Or two. Or twenty. Take as long as you need.

You’re bound to have heard these words, “Careful what you wish for.”

Your business is what you wished for, to be the boss, the boss of everything.

So congratulate yourself for venturing into the world of business and remind yourself of those feelings you had at the start; the tingle of excitement and tremor of trepidation that shuddered through you when you decided to be your own boss. When you decided to step out and do what you are good at, serve your clients better and not have to answer to a boss, not have to answer to anyone except yourself.

You looked forward to doing what you wanted, doing it when you wanted to and where you wanted because you now held the power. You can remember that, can’t you?

But now it’s not feeling so exciting, because there’s actual work to be done, and it’s not fun. The work of finding work to do, the work of getting paid, not to mention doing the actual work that gets you paid.

And it needs to be organised, dealt with in a way that doesn’t leave you exhausted at the end of the week, leaving you ready for bed rather than partying to celebrate!

When the reality of “I am the boss of everything” sets in, with the understanding that it starts and finishes with you, then you realise the need for a change in thinking.

Because the boss needs to hold it all together; plan the company growth, gain new clients, deal with existing clients, build the business, train the staff and balance the books at the end of the month.

This is very different to having a job and thinking about the excitement of having your own business.

In any well organised business, there are departments responsible for different aspects of the business. And while the staff focuses on meeting the demands of today, the bosses spend most of their time planning for the future. Now it’s all on your shoulders!

You need to be super organised to get it all working right. And if you feel isolated, just know you’re not alone as around fifteen percent of the British population now work for themselves. That’s in the region of nine and half million of us dealing with the challenges self employment offers!!

So how do you start to deal with those challenges?

I suggest you put on the kettle, make yourself a cuppa, take a seat, and look at your business from a different perspective.

Try asking yourself these key questions:

1. Why am I in business?
2. What is my offering?
3. How do I organise and deliver it?
4. How can I measure my success?

The best way to do this is write out the questions and then carry on responding. Just let your thoughts flow and capture them, trust what comes to mind and don’t think about or try to analyse them, stay focussed on just capturing them.

Sit with your answers for a while and recognise what needs your attention, as some areas will be working better than others. Now focus your attention in that area.

As the boss of everything, it is good to heed the words of Christopher Westra,

“The quickest way to do many things is to do one thing at a time”

Are you ready? Go be the boss of everything!


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