Is Life Difficult? - miworld

Is Life Difficult?

“Life is difficult.” The first sentence of M Scott Peck’s book, The Road Less Travelled. “But once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters.”

These are profound words indeed and yet only one way to approach the world in which we life. Of course many of you will disagree with this statement and dispute:

‘Life is easy; life is wonderful, life is an adventure.’

Life, I believe is what you make it, sometimes difficult, sometimes an adventure and often somewhere in between.

One thing is for sure, it is always changing and we are always evolving to deal with those different situations.

Tony Robbins says people change through either Inspiration or Desperation and I was considering the differences. Not so much through inspired or desperate people, but more the situations.

Inspired situations pull people towards an idea, their enthusiasm fuels their energy and their motivation propels them on their journey.

Desperate situations offer resilience to the situation and often people encounter much pain, confusion and adversity, having to drive themselves really hard to make inroads into moving forward.

Inspiration feels like such a pleasure opposed to desperation feels like so much pain.

I had never really seen it like this before – and started thinking about the recent changes in my own life and how I have dealt with the energy has appeared in the different situations.

If we change through inspiration or desperation, what energies can you invite in to deal with the different situations going on in your world right now ?


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