My Letter to Santa This Year - miworld

My Letter to Santa This Year

Now and again I get an invitation to do something I might not be that keen to do and last month was no exception, “how do you fancy sleeping out overnight in Princes Street gardens to raise awareness for the homeless?”


Thank you so much…eh….but.…although homelessness is a cause close to my heart, I can’t quite make the connection with me leaving the comfort of my bed for one night with the plight of living on the streets, alone, cold and hungry every single night so I declined. Even the enticement of Deacon Blue, Bob Geldof and a night time story by John Cleese was not enough for me to give up my cosy bed for.

But maybe I was wrong?

I read about the success of the event, over 8000 (read that again, eight thousand!!) people slept outside and ‘millions’ of pounds were raised, currently the figure is three and a half million and still climbing. OK, I got it wrong – perhaps that did cause a stir, maybe more people are aware, and I bet those who braved the freezing temperatures each have their own story to tell and I’m sure they did indeed get a small glimpse into the lives of those without a bed to return to at the end of each day. And it was to do more than raise awareness; there is a plan to eradicate homelessness in Scotland within five years.

Do I regret my decision, truthfully ….no, I don’t and here’s my excuse – I caught a cold so last night while the party in the park was in full swing, I shared it with a box of tissues and I can’t think of much worse than combining that with sleeping out in minus 7 degrees!

BUT that doesn’t mean I don’t admire those who made the commitment, who carried it out, who helped to raise the funds. Those who stood up to do something about what they believe in and make a difference, both for themselves and for others less fortunate.

I was really excited to read about the success and I am so glad that these people had a different attitude to me and the awareness as well as the money was raised.

As we approach the festive season my letter to Santa has three wishes. Firstly I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and a Fabulous 2018. Secondly, I’d also like us to remember those loved ones who we have lost this year, who we can’t physically celebrate with but remain in our hearts with our memories and finally and I will send a contribution to the cause of the homeless, with respect for those who slept in the park but more so for those who do it regularly. I decided not to sleep in the park, but I was there in spirit and I hope this small contribution can help in making homelessness a thing of the past.

Thank you to social bite and all you have done to bring this cause to our consciousness and help us all do something about it. If you would like to find out more, click here.

I look forward to 2018 and all it holds in store for us, here’s to next year.

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