What Will You Do? - miworld

What Will You Do?

There’s a decision to be made

It’s about your future

It’s about the future of your business

Visionworks –

Enabling you to see your future,

Supporting you in reaching your future,

Inspiring you to create your future,

bigger and better than you ever thought possible before

If you don’t do something different, your future days will mirror your past.

So what will you do? Keep on doing the same thing hoping for a miracle, or make the miracle happen by doing something different?

It is time to charge it up.

It is time to take that step into the business of creating the life you want to live.

It is time to make it work, and working with miworld makes your vision work for you.

Visionworks helps you define a clear vision for the future of your business and then you reunite with your inspirational group every month to keep you moving forward to that big, bold, brighter vision of your life. If you are hungry for more mouse over here.

Ready for more? Call Jane now

on 07834542686 and let’s get started.

 More details:

Where? Strathmore Business Centre – 10 York Place, Edinburgh. EH1 3EP

When? Wednesday 17th December 2014 at 1pm till 4pm

Investment? £197 per month (includes Vat, your group meeting and a follow up coaching call to keep you on track)

P.S. What will you do?

You are going to do something, aren’t you?

If not this, then let me know what you will do to make the change, that changes everything for you.

And if you’ don’t, can’t, won’t’ do it for yourself, do it for your family, do it for your loved ones, do it for your staff.

Whatever you do, begin it now!


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