When Someone Makes You Smile - miworld

When Someone Makes You Smile

Every so often, I am reminded to be grateful for the wonderful people with whom we share our world.

I was driving home recently, appreciating the exceptional warmth of the sun, the panoramic views as I approached the brow of a hill and listening to a personal development six set CD by the inspirational Tony Robbins.

I love to use my car as a ‘mobile university’ and when one disk came to an end, I was lucky enough to be on a little road where I could pull in and change it.

As I looked up to pull out, there was a car stopped, flashing, in front of me. I immediately looked around and thought,

“What have I done, there are no yellow lines here, what’s up?”

As I signalled to move, he put his arm out of the window, gave me a wave, a ‘thumbs up’ and drove off, leaving me more confused.

Then I got it – he had stopped to help me, to see if I was ok on the quiet road. I felt really grateful with his act of kindness.

I smiled as I drove behind him and was truly appreciative for his concern. In a world where we live with wars, fighting and general unrest, it was lovely to experience this unexpected concern from a stranger.

So I wanted to share how I was reminded how a smile or a helping hand as a way to practice kindness can really have an impact on someone in our community, in our world, so please look for them, give them and appreciate them.

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Until the next time.


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