You know that feeling, I know that feeling; I love that feeling!  You know, when you are in the groove, things just fall into place, you’re alert and on fire, able to power

Thank you for the feedback from my last  miview  (see it here) I really enjoyed some of your holiday antics:-Peter is back, enjoying work after a nice break-Gemma hasn't seen much of the sun as

Welcome back to miview, The reason I am in business to support others who want bigger, better stronger businesses; businesses that have good solid foundations from which they may grow, expanding in people,

The benefits of working with a team who enjoy their work and the company of each other is tremendous, however achieving that harmony is not always a straightforward journey. My first mistake was

  Following on from last week’s miview sharing Dame Renee Fritchie’s great journaling questions, (read it again here) I am keen to stay on the theme of ‘How Can I Motivate Myself?’ before

“If you want the truth, you must write about yourselfI am the only truth I know”J Rhys  Dame Renee Fritchie called the missing part of career development ‘biography writing’ and outlined the importance

When I think about motivation for businesses, I think of it as a title under ‘Management Development’ and how to get the best from your staff. But as I started writing this piece,

“Mum, do you know it is Saturday tomorrow?”   “Yes”   “Well why are you still working at midnight?” Good question and one for which I did not have, a fitting reply. Starting

Last time we looked at why we delegate (click here for a reminder)  and I promised you we would follow up with how to effectively delegate; so you start getting the most out of yourself

When the cold January winds blew, goals were set and plans were made, the future of your business was looking good. But now it’s May and as well as ‘the cloot’ that is