"The art of Delegation Introduction – Why delegate?" It’s often been heard, “I love what I do, I really know my stuff and I could do a better job if I had my

How long is a long time for you? I was asked the other day, 'Do you have contact details for Keith?” “Yes” I said, “but it may take a while for me to access them.” You

Holidays are a great for reflection, reorganising and relaxation.  However you have spend your Easter weekend, I hope you have enjoyed it. If you have been lucky enough to benefit from the glorious

I have spoken to many people who ask themselves this question... ” Do I still want to be in business?” I did some personal reflection on that same question; I started up some years

Do you have a to-do-list that never gets done? One that gives you the big time wasting dilemma of what to do next? A list that leaves you frustrated and you keep rewriting

After many different conversations with friends recently, I have become so aware that Christmas means so many different things to different people. Some are so excited about exchanging gifts and spending time with

Like many of you, I am sure; I was saddened this week to hear about the passing of the great Nelson Mandela and as the same time grateful to have been alive with

As the Christmas preparations are well underway, with trees up, lights on and wrapping paper at all the check outs, we recognise that the success of this big day (yes, all this for

Have you ever been tempted by chocolate while on a diet or a treat when you are saving up for something bigger? Our minds are constantly making decisions and temptation is often in

What Would Jane Do? When talking with a client about their intentions, we stumbled upon the powerless feelings we are all faced with when we evaluate the evils of all our options, possibilities