Spinning Plates, Ooops! Dropped One - miworld

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Spinning Plates, Ooops! Dropped One

Although I write about it often enough, how important it is, key in fact to success, I have to confess that I sometimes have a problem staying focussed.

I often feel like I am spinning plates; it’s hard enough to get them all up in the air and spinning at the same time, but then one starts to wobble and if I don’t catch it fast enough, it smashes to the ground, swiftly followed by all the others!

My day can be spent running from plate to plate, rebalancing to keep them spinning until I am tired, fed up and really frustrated that a few slipped past me and hit the floor.

Do you have days like that? If you’re being honest with yourself, then yes, of courses you do, and like me you’ve probably had too many.

I started looking for different ways to keep all the plates spinning and discovered some interesting points.

Firstly, why do we try to do that in the first place? We’re not plate spinners; we never set out to be plate spinners so trying to plate spin is never going to work for us.

What does work for us is holding our intention sacred, then we know where we are headed and we build a plan to get ourselves there.

Our intention is something that ignites passion in our belly, and once we get started there is no stopping us. Without it we can easily lose sight of the big picture and become easily distracted by whatever happens to land in front of us.

However sometimes we are not inspired with some of the tasks that need to be done, tasks we know are important.

When I wanted a way to keep in touch with all the people I meet, I created miview; a vehicle for me to share hints, tips and stories about good business practice, things that have helped me in the past, and most importantly to stay connected with my people.

I was excited, sharing my knowledge with you in a easy, hopefully entertaining and useful format. And knowing that miview goes out to so many people and more importantly, gets read and really helps people still excites me today.

When I look at my website or my linked in page I love to see all the miviews listed there for people to refer to. I am always thrilled when people say they have been inspired by the content and/or shared them with other people.

Sometimes though, when I sit down to write, I can end up looking at a blank screen for a while, or worse, continually deleting everything I write. Sometimes they flow and sometimes they don’t and that’s okay.

It’s not that I don’t want to write, I know in my head and heart how useful it is, but despite this, inspiration is sometimes absent. When they flow I get so inspired and excited at what I am sharing, and when they don’t, I question my own abilities and how valuable they really are to others.

And I also realise it’s not about inspiration sometimes you just have to get on with it.

I think we try to spin too many plates sometimes, especially when we’re not feeling in the flow if our work. Do those plates need to be spun today? Maybe the plates can be dealt with without spinning them?

Focus is easier when you have a defined outcome and a defined method to achieve your outcome and you move forward by selecting the key tasks to be done at any one time.

When you find yourself spinning plates, just stop. Pause and then put them in a pile, sort them by relevance, importance and urgency. Ditch the ones you don’t need and deal with those you do, without the need for any spinning.

Some things will be straight forward and some will need an injection of inspiration but timing is everything and the right time is always up to you.

Keep it simple, keep it fun, keep it focused and most of all, keep going!!!

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