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With 2014 speeding towards us, those of us in business have two options:  Coast in and wait until the New Year to get a New Start., OR Take stock and get moving so that

Sometimes, when you get out of the way of doing things, when life takes over and leaves you hung out to dry, it’s difficult to find your momentum again. For some reason, I

“Me and Marion are going to the park” I would announce excitedly. “Me’s last” would come the reply, as Mum attempted to correct my grammar “It’s Marion and I that are going to

We recently visited my niece, Lindsay who was hosting a family night of board games. We all know her four year old son, Arran, needs to be asleep before the board games begin

January is passed, blimey – June too! But July is waiting just for you. A beach barbeque? That’s not for you miworld masterclass - now that’s what to do. When times get tough

Now and again I get a question that stops me in my tracks and this week I put one together after listening to a snippet by the author, Mark Rhodes, “What would the

My work is about supporting others to get the results they want in their business. Many of my clients are allegedly in a position of power which often means they feel lonely, isolated

Don't you just love when the sun comes out? It make everything brighter and simpler to me, does it work like that for you too? I had a recent meeting and because it

Many of us have a conditional love for our parents: we get on with them, or not, at different times, on different levels for different reasons. I loved my Dad and he loved

We always hear talk about two main resources in business, time and money, and often these two elements are used as a great excuse for not getting stuff done. I know when I hear, "if only...." then