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“Jane, you haven’t delivered one of your great masterclasses for a while?” How true, and with only 74 days left until the end of the year, it is time to commit to spending

“Life is difficult.” The first sentence of M Scott Peck’s book, The Road Less Travelled. “But once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters.” These are profound words

I have walked down to the sea side from my home many times, however yesterday was different. The street was packed with people all heading for the promenade to witness the blowing up

I found myself observing the unfortunate people who had dropped into ‘accident and emergency’ on Friday night. I was lucky enough to be accompanying a friend who hurt her foot – so I

I drove past Peter, our local lollypop man just the other day, and as I smiled and waved at him, I was reminded of the times when I drove my son, Martin, to

You’ll never guess where I was yesterday – now bear with me guys because there is some good stuff in here for you too....I was down in East Lothian for a self care

"Jane, Why miworld?” “Jane, Why miworld, miresponsibility?” These two concepts embrace the whole of who I am, and what my business is about and I often get asked what it means. The name

I stood recently at the Barcelona waterfront looking up at the statue of Christopher Columbus, remembering how, 40 years before, I had stood in that exact same spot, looking out to the sea,

Sometimes all you need is a good quote to get you thinking. Here’s one to get you thinking about the obstacles you have been facing lately. "Accept the challenges, so that you can

After reading a great quote a few weeks ago, I keep getting drawn back to it. “The Way You Do One Thing Is The Way You Do Everything” I thought about it when;